Home & Garden

Effective Organic Pest Control for Your Garden

The simple truth is that people are more aware of their environmental impact today than they have ever been. The almost never-ending series of floods, storms and droughts have demonstrated that global warming and climate change are real.

As such, people are searching for ways to reduce their personal footprint. Part of this means avoiding using chemicals except for when there is no other option. 

That’s why you’ll want to discover the most effective organic pest controls for your garden. It’s worth noting that you can search for a pest control near me that specializes in natural products. They can help you deal with the pests without damaging the environment.

Go For Beneficial Insects

Insects and even pests are a complex part of nature. Each species has a role to play in the food chain and the survival of the planet. Fortunately, you can use this to your benefit. Simply take a look at the type of pest that is bothering you in the garden and create an environment that will attract the pest’s predators. 

For example, ladybugs, lacewings, and even damsel bugs are all very good at eating other insects. This removes the pest from your garden and protects your plants. All you have to do is create an attractive environment for them. That means putting some plants in that attract insects looking for pollen. Marigolds and calendula are a great starting point.

You can also ensure your garden offers habitats for these predators and you should avoid using chemical sprays that may kill them.

Choose Sacrificial Plants

Alongside beneficial insects, you can add sacrificial plants. These are plants that the pests are particularly attracted to and that you don’t normally plant. A sacrificial plant will be eaten by the pests but this will protect your plants. 

It’s easy to add these and a very effective approach.

Cover Your Plants

This is especially important when you have seedlings but can be used at any time. Cover the plants with plastic row covers. They allow the sunlight in but keep the pests out. They can even cause condensation and help keep the plants watered. 

Remove Clutter

Clutter and waste, whether garden or food, are very attractive to a large number of pests. It gives them food and a place to hide/shelter. By removing any clutter in your garden you’ll be reducing the attractiveness to pests and lowering the number in your garden. 

Use Raised Beds

Raised beds and pots that are at least 18 inches above the ground can prevent many low-flying pests from getting to your plants. It’s surprisingly effective, easy to do, and can even make it easier to look after your plants. 

Don’t Forget To Remove Your Harvest

As soon as anything you’re growing is ready, harvest it. This is the safest way of ensuring pests aren’t attracted and eat your crops. Harvesting quickly also prevents them from decaying which makes your garden even more attractive to pests. 

It’s worth noting that leaving crops on your plants will also cause your plants stress, making them weak and an easier target for pests.